Friday, October 9, 2009

Quae nunc abibis in loca**

Mr. Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize today. Mostly surprised, if pleasantly so.

We in the West make peace out to be a goal in intself. The Nobel committee hopes that, for Obama, now Peace will be THE GOAL.

Peace, as Scorate's Arate, the Tikun Olam for the Jews, is a symptom of all things being right. It's like with Dietetics-- it is wiser to focus on the means rather than the end. You do the right things-- Fast when it is right, eat when it is right and what is right, and you end up with "Health". A focus on appearance of Health, on the other hand, leads to fads, alternate periods of gluttony and starvation, and other manner of excesses.

Hope Obama, wise as he is, uses this new mandate to pursue just policies, and not ones reactive to these awsome external influence.

**Into what places will you now depart (from Hadrian, by Maria Yourcenar)

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