Friday, October 9, 2009
Day Four of Five
Quae nunc abibis in loca**
Mr. Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize today. Mostly surprised, if pleasantly so.
We in the West make peace out to be a goal in intself. The Nobel committee hopes that, for Obama, now Peace will be THE GOAL.
Peace, as Scorate's Arate, the Tikun Olam for the Jews, is a symptom of all things being right. It's like with Dietetics-- it is wiser to focus on the means rather than the end. You do the right things-- Fast when it is right, eat when it is right and what is right, and you end up with "Health". A focus on appearance of Health, on the other hand, leads to fads, alternate periods of gluttony and starvation, and other manner of excesses.
Hope Obama, wise as he is, uses this new mandate to pursue just policies, and not ones reactive to these awsome external influence.
**Into what places will you now depart (from Hadrian, by Maria Yourcenar)
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Day Three of Five
Tomorrow I have to play host again. So I will have to eat a salad. No getting around business need. Unless I lie and say the fast is religious. Which it is not.
I will still count it as a 5 day'er. You may not agree.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
The First Five Day Fast Begins
To take the fuller advantage of this time of fasting, I will also practice meditation to reflect.
Other than that, life as usual-- and happy for it :)
Monday, October 5, 2009
Not So Obscure: Thoughts on the eve of the new fast
- Material Cause: the material of which the effect is made (a statue of stone, so the material cause of a statue is stone)
- Efficient Cause: the (physical?) agency that marshals the effort to shape the material (human arms that chiseled the statue)
- Formal Cause: The design that artists mind, or the program that drives the agency in (2) above.
- Final Cause: The purpose that motivates the final cause. For the statue, it may be the need to satisfy a customer.
The First Five Day Fast
Sunday, October 4, 2009
A Hypothesis
Friday, October 2, 2009
Joy: A Teleological Examination of Fasting
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Understanding the Fast
The first phase can be called the gastrointestinal phase, and lasts approximately for first six hours following the last meal. During this phase the body uses glucose, amino acids and fats, as they are absorbed from the intestinal tract.
Phase two lasts for more or less the next two days. During this time the body will use its glycogen (sugar) reserves that are stored in the muscle and liver cells. These glycogen reserves are mobilized to provide the central nervous system, including the brain, with its normal fuel, glucose. Within a few hours the body begins to convert adipose (fat) tissue into fatty acids.
Were it not for the body’s ability to switch fuels and enter phase three, where the body switches from glucose to fat metabolism, therapeutic fasting could not take place. The body’s protein reserves would be quickly depleted.
Fortunately, this is not a problem. In fact, within ten hours from the last meal approximately 50% of muscle fuel is coming from fat. Even the brain itself begins to shift over the fat metabolism. The consumption of protein reserves decreases from 75 grams per day at the beginning of a fast to just 20 grams a day by the end of the second week.
As you can see, excess activity including excess emotional stress could increase the body’s fuel needs, interfering with the optimum adaptation to the fasting state.
Body reserves differ from individual to individual. But a “typical” 155-pound male at normal weight has enough reserves to fast for between two to four months. If the fast were allowed to continue beyond the individual’s reserves, starvation would ensue and serious damage and eventually death would occur.
A productive weekend. A challenge.
Monday, September 28, 2009
First Two Day Fast
Saturday, September 26, 2009
The new freedom
Friday, September 25, 2009
Second small success
Breaking of the first prep fast
Now I commence another fast. This time shorter. I feel I could go longer, but I want to stay on the path.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Enemy at the gates-- a small victory
Today, as the lunch hour passed, and my guard lowered, my dear coworkers, driven as if by some diabolical plan, stopped in to ask me if I wanted to go have lunch!!! Turns out, one of them owed me a lunch. So, a visit to Jimmy Daddonas (my favorite!) will cost me NOTHING!!!
I am ashamed to say I capitulated! Well, almost. I said yes, all the while lying to myself that this was for the greater good-- team spirit and collegiality, and all that. But then, the reserve of self control practiced in the college library came to my rescue. I managed to turn them down-- I said I had suffered some acidity last night (true!), and will have to avoid the said cuisine. See how this works-- there is temptation, but built in the plan is the bulwark against it. But I have to say, temptation has great allies.
So the fast goes on. But I wonder what other temptations await me ...
Day one of preparation: Lunch Time
By tomorrow 7 am, I'd be 24 hours into the discipline. Per plan, I'd then break the fast, and then commence another fast in twelve hours, this time for two days. By Monday, I'd practiced three days of fasting!
I am happy to be on this path to a 21 day fast.
Day one of preparation
Next time I do this, I will take a partner along on the journey. For now-- it is me, and the new frontier.